Cast your mind back 12 months to December 2023, when the annual Christmas concert at Alton was affected by a storm which resulted in a loss of power for half the concert. On Saturday 7 December 2024, who should be sweeping across the country, but Storm Darragh and it was the annual Christmas concert at Alton. Now I am not suggesting a correlation, but it does make you wonder!
Nevertheless, many a hardy soul braved the debris, winds and rain and turned out to share our evening, which was a joint concert with Rhapsody choir, a community choir based in Uttoxeter. This had originally been scheduled to take place in 2020, but events intervened.
The programme began with 7 pieces by the handbell ringers, ranging from pieces very familiar to the audience such as My Favourite Things, My Heart Will Go On and Yesterday to Andante Grazioso by Mozart and the much loved hymn, I Heard The Voice of Jesus Say.
The choir then sang 5 pieces, including a Bon Jovi Medley and an Andrew Lloyd Webber medley, all of which was much appreciated. After the interval, they performed 5 seasonal pieces, then came the joint offering of Were You There On That Christmas Night, which we had run through together just twice before the start of the evening. It sounded lovely and the bells and choir kept pace with each other, always a bonus!
The ringers then performed 5 seasonal pieces, including the beautiful Austrian carol Still, Still, Still, which was particularly well received, concluding with We Wish You A Merry Christmas, with which the audience were invited to join in.
So, despite the weather, we had a good evening, but perhaps we should consider a summer concert…..
Our heart felt thanks to Wendy (Alton Bell Ringers) and Gina (Uttoxeter Rhapsody Choir) for all their hard work.