Saturday 9th December
Well, what an 'interesting' evening! Our annual concert in Alton Village Hall was all ready, the bells were out, the Cheadle U3A Ukulele group was ready, the audience was gathering and we were told the power was about to go off. Sure enough, just as we were about to start we were plunged into darkness. Fortunately we have lights on our music stands, we had some lights on the tables and the emergency exit lights gave enough light so we were able to carry on and played a selection of non-Christmas pieces.
Thankfully the lights came on for a while in the middle of the evening so we were able to hear about the work of Dougie Mac Hospice, draw the raffle and have the results of the quiz.
The power went off again in the second half and we played a selection of Christmas pieces, including Carol of the Bells which suited being played in semi-darkness. When one of the light batteries went flat it led to an interesting variation to We Wish You A Merry Christmas but the team managed the circumstances very well. The evening ended with a sing-along to Christmas songs lead by the Ukulele group and we are very grateful to them for joining us.