I have known Sue Fraser for many years and we have had many adventures together on our bird watching trips with the U3A.
She has been a good friend to me and we have shared our love of nature (animals and birds). Sue has taught me a great deal over the years as she knew every bird we spotted and every bird song we heard.
I used to visit her at her home and we would go for walks with her dog Pipit across Wetley Moor Common nearby and have tea and cake in the Summerhouse when we got back.
I introduced Sue to our Handbell Team in Alton and she joined the group, learned quickly and she loved playing bells. She has been an asset to our team and has supported us in many concerts and events.
We will miss her company and cheery smiling face very much and we appreciate all she did.
I am so glad I got to know Sue and I am so sorry to have lost her but I think of her often and I will never forget her.
Jean Reilly