Teams at Chatsworth, 20th December and 30th December 2022

AHR Chatsworth

On Tuesday 20th December, the team of 7 rang 3 x 30 minute 12-bell sessions, at Chatsworth,
donning Santa hats and full of Christmas cheer!
We arrived in plenty of time to dry off the seats (thanks Alan!) and have a wander around the shop
before starting ringing at 12.00 Whilst the sun didn't quite make it round to us, luckily Jack Frost
stayed away so it wasn't as cold as it could have been!
Being in the courtyard, there was an interesting mix of smells from the smoke from the fire to toast
the marshmallows, the bratwurst stand and wafts of mulled wine from the bar. 

In between the ringing we had a couple of breaks to warm our hands with a coffee and snaffle some snacks.
We quickly learnt the usefulness of pegs when a stray gust of wind turned over the Silent Night music
just as our part was coming up... cue actual silence for a couple of bars as we caught up again! 

People were milling about the courtyard and there were children who were happy to join in
with Jingle Bells and others humming along to Away in a Manger, Deck the Halls and of course
We Wish You a Merry Christmas (although no one produced a figgy pudding for us!).

Becky Ward