
Handbell Ringers at St George's Hospital Stafford Wednesday 26th April

A team of six ringers ,with Wendy their leader went to George's Hospital for another teaching session. The ringers played a couple of numbers to illustrate the ringing technique. Bells were handed out to patients and staff and the scale was played up and down several times. As this went well it was now time to try a couple of tunes. 'Bobby Shaftoe' was played, albeit slowly, but the second attempt was very recognisable. 'Bobby Shaftoe' was played next and this went extremely well much to the surprise of all those playing, around of applause was given to all concerned.  Alton Ringers concluded the afternoon. Another visit is planned later in the year.

Peter W

Brookfields Nursing Home, Derby. 30th March 2023

On Wednesday 30th March  6 of us travelled to Brookfields Nursing Home in Derby to entertain the residents. On the journey there we went through lashing rain to brilliant blue skies and warm sunshine. April showers arrived early. This is the fourth time we have been to Brookfields and we were given a very warm welcome.
While setting up the stands and music , the chairs were arranged and the audience were seated. We were ready to start, Mavis had arrived on time for this performance!!

We had two ringers with us today, Hilary and Peter, who haven’t been ringing long, but credit to them they were excellent. It is very different playing with just the music on a stand in front of you than behind a table full of bells and chimes. It can be quite intimidating at times.

We started off with some traditional music. The Eton Boating Song and Strawberry Fair. We could hear some humming from the audience. When we played Singing in the Rain most people were humming or singing along. Obviously a well known piece. I am sure they could all visualise Gene Kelly splashing through the water as he danced his well known routine. Some others might have remembered Eric and Ernie doing a skit of it in one of their shows.  We also slipped in some hymn tunes which were well received. Well most of us would have sung a hymn every morning during our school days. They are at the back of minds somewhere. We thought it a good idea to add some more to our  repertoire.

When we started to play some patriotic pieces, Land of Hope and Glory, Rule Britannia and the like most of the audience were humming or singing along and I am sure if they had had flags they would have been waving them.
It is lovely when an audience interacts to the pieces we play. We know that they are enjoying it and that we are giving them some pleasure.

Tea , coffee and biscuits were provided in the dining room and then we said our goodbyes.  When we were leaving  we were told we would be welcome anytime as the residents really enjoy it when we go. This was lovely to hear and we look forward to our next visit.

Sue Robins

The Old Rectory, Bramshall .March 27th 2023

In Stramshall village at the Old Rectory today

A group, seven people , twelve bells they did play.

At two-thirty prompt, with the stage all set up

and the audience gathered, no time for warm-up


With Wendy their leader and five ladies, plus one man

Without much ado their entertainment began.

'Aura Lea' was the opening number played,

It must have been liked. cause the audience stayed.


'The Mango Walk' went down a real treat

Around the room there were several tapping feet.

World War medley was greeted with singing

So nice to hear by the group that were ringing.


More tunes were played from 'Folk' to 'Classical'

From music in a form that is written numerical.

The last piece was played and an encore wanted

Thanks were extended and the group was applauded.

Peter Walker

12 Bell Team at Kirk House, Uttoxeter. Wednesday 15th March.2023

It was a very worthwhile experience playing the 12 bells at the home today but quite challenging at times!


When we arrived at 1.15 pm the staff weren’t really ready for us, as the residents were still eating lunch in the dining room where we were meant to be setting up for our handbell performance.

When we had unpacked our bells and equipment the nursing home carer in charge asked us if we would go upstairs and play to a few of the residents who were confined to their beds. There was an option of a lift as well as the stairs to those of us who were carrying music stands or handbells etc.

One of our team members got her mobility stool stuck in the closing door of the lift as she was trying to pull it out, on reaching the next floor up, luckily she managed to manoeuvre it out just in time before the lift moved on up! She remarked afterwards that her newly adjusted contraption needed a rethink!

We played handbell tunes to some severely disabled residents, lying in their beds, who needed a great deal of care from the staff working in the home. They were very grateful for our visit and all our efforts, which hopefully lifted the spirits of these poor souls.


We were eventually taken to the main room, where we set up in order to play to a group of residents, who seemed to really enjoy our music, they sang along to some of the tunes they recognised. They loved the last night of the proms music!

It was one lady’s birthday yesterday, so we played Happy Birthday to her and then we all gave her a clap, she was smiling at us!

After we had packed up all our equipment we went into one of the lounges to sit and have a drink of cordial and discussed our experience.


It was an interesting afternoon though and the staff were very welcoming! We also felt pleased that we had made the effort to entertain the residents for a few hours to brighten up their day.



Jean Reilly 15.3.23

Our Christmas Concert in aid of Dougie Mac

Many thanks to all the people that attended our Christmas Concert, gave donations so generously, bought raffle tickets and took part in the whisky roll. The final sum raised and given to Dougie Mac was a magnificent total of £775.10.  As well as a fund raising event, it proved to be a great relaxed social evening for our audience and all the ringers.